Every year, most people chalk down ‘Saving Money’ or ‘Spend Less’ as an important New Year resolution, Although, saving money is an integral part to avoid any sort of financial crisis but being a step ahead from the usual is necessary and that is to ‘Invest More’. Rather than saving more money than usual, how about adding the surplus money to your investments in Foreign Stocks?
US stock markets are home to some of the fastest-growing companies in the world. However, investing in these companies is far from easy. Currently, diversifying wealth outside of local markets, and across asset classes is cumbersome and expensive.
Shares of Airbnb Inc more than doubled in their stock market debut, Indians are missing Such Opportunity.
We must take a holistic view of investments. The aim is to invest for long-term wealth creation based on the risk level, time-horizon and financial goals. To do this, we break our investments into goal-based buckets. It simply means you buy different investment options or assets with the aim of achieving specific goals.
In a world where goods and services move fairly easily across borders, it seemed rather restrictive that an Indian investor couldn’t buy shares of companies like Tesla and Amazon. So Bengaluru-based start-up Stockal, registered in New York, has created a platform to make it easier for Indians to buy shares of companies in the US—even if it’s meant that they had to jump through a few hoops.
About Stockal:
Stockal is a platform for retail investors in India, Middle East and South East Asia to ‘globalize’ their savings and wealth by investing money in mature international markets such as the U.S. Stockal aims at simplifying investments for you by monitoring your portfolio better, keeping track of its health, making knowledgeable investing decisions, discovering interesting stocks & investing themes every day so that you don’t have to scour through reams of data or depend on unreliable guesswork.
Using Stockal, people can, digitally, open, own and operate overseas investing accounts – digitally and affordably. Additionally, investing on Stockal is backed by big data-based automated research and analysis that helps investors make smarter investing decisions. Stockal’s AI-enabled platform curates personalized investing ideas and insights, automates portfolio monitoring, and executes the trade. Stockal makes global investing almost as straightforward as investing in local markets.
About Stacks:
Stacks makes it possible for traders to invest in a combination of securities with a single transaction. Stacks are predefined baskets consisting of a combination of stocks, ETFs among other securities .With Stacks, the platform intends to cater to every customer of any trading need. The variety in options definitely delivers on that promise. They offer 4 types of Stacks:
Thematic Stacks to keep an investor updated about the newest International development themes
Expert Stacks is for investors who would want assistance in investing in portfolios established by industry professionals
Industry Stacks allows the investor to get a taste of a number of industries
Risk-adjusted Stacks will benefit the investor in choosing the portfolio based on their willingness to take risks
Some of the features of Stacks include:
A Stack can be bought or sold with literally just a single click.
Each Stack Stock as a basket will contain 10 to 30 securities.
Stacks are treated as a single entity in itself and likewise can be managed as a single unit in your portfolio.
Automated rebalancing – STACKs are rebalanced at periodic intervals by the portfolio manager. So the customer need not worry about this.