FII FnO Data Analysis for November Expiry

By | November 26, 2014 9:04 pm


  • FII’s bought 5 K contract of Index Future worth 114 cores, 32.6 K Long contract were added  by FII’s and 27.6 K short contracts  were added by FII’s. Net Open Interest increased  by 60.2 K contract , so FII’s both added short in index futures and long in Index Futures.
  • Nifty made low of 8438 so still in range of 100 point correction as discussed in previous post  so till 8430 is not broken bulls are safe and will march towards new high , and if 8430 is broken than we can see decline of 100 points in nifty based on the historical data of September expiry as shown in below chart.

nifty daily

  • Nifty Future November Open Interest Volume is at 0.94 core with liquidation of 36 lakh in OI which got rollovered to December series  suggesting long rollover.
  • Total Future & Option trading volume was   at 3.85  lakh core with total contract traded at 4.4 lakh. PCR @1.06, PCR is again showing overconfidence in Bulls.
  • 8500  CE  OI at 51.9 lakh  suggesting wall of resistance , 8400 CE saw liquidation suggesting bears are weakening at 8400 almost out. FII’s bought  34.8  K CE longs and 5.4 K shorted  CE were covered  by  them.
  • 8300 PE OI@ 57.6 lakhs so strong base @ 8300  . 8400 PE added 10.3 lakh in OI so base building happening @8400. FII’s bought 63.7 K  contract  PE longs and 1.9 K shorted   PE  were covered by  them.
  • FII’s bought 181 cores in Equity and DII sold 314 cores in cash segment.INR closed at 61.84.


Buy above 8476 Tgt 8500,8522 and 8546 (Nifty Spot Levels)

Sell below 8430 Tgt 8417,8400 and 8370(Nifty Spot Levels)

Upper end of Expiry:8533

Lower End of Expiry:8418


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