“The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent” – The way the market reacts to certain news or events may not seem rational at times, but there is no sense in trying to fight the market – it moves where it moves and does not care one bit about your opinion.
BHEL we have covered few days before, Stock moved as expected took resistance at 255 and now is back to lower trendline support at 228.
Buy above 230 Tgt 232,233.5 and 235
Sell below 227 Tgt 225.5,223 and 220
M&M formed a double top formation 975, started its pullback and is now coming to lower end of trading range 920. Holding the same pullback can be seen back to higher end of range
Sell below 920 Tgt 913,903 and 895
Buy above 935 Tgt 941,948 and 954
Titan forming higher highs and trading in a perfect channel with trendline resistance coming at 279.
Buy above 279 TGt 280,282 and 286
Sell below 275 Tgt 273.8,271.5 and 270