Technical Calls:PFC,Dish TV and Delta Corp

By | September 13, 2012 8:01 am

Adding to a losing position – Also known as doubling, tripling, quadrupling down, typically, this means that the trader does not want to admit the trade is wrong. The trader’s ego is at stake as the trader is hoping the markets will “work in their favor”. If you are wrong, you have a near 0% chance of making a full recovery.


Stock has crashed vertically from 194 to 151. Consolidating in the range of 156-165.

Buy above 161.7 Tgt 163.9,164.7 and 166.2


Delta Corp

Stock gave a breakout with huge volumes.Next important resistance is at 65.63.

Buy above 65.2 Tgt 65.6,66 and 67.5



Buy above 72.6 TGt 73.3,74.2 and 75.4


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