Positional Traders can use the below mentioned levels
Holding 290 Tgt 303/316/ Close below 288 Tgt 264
Intraday Traders can use the below mentioned levels
Buy above 296 Tgt 300,304 and 310.5 SL 293
Sell below 291 Tgt 289,284 and 278 SL 293
Tata Motors
Positional Traders can use the below mentioned levels
Close above 485 Tgt 495/515
Intraday Traders can use the below mentioned levels
Buy above 485 Tgt 489,495 and 500.5 SL 483
Sell below 478 Tgt 474,470 and 465 SL 482.5
Bharat Forge
Positional Traders can use the below mentioned levels
Close below 720 Tgt 703/686
Intraday Traders can use the below mentioned levels
Buy above 727 Tgt 733,742 and 749.5 SL 724
Sell below 717 Tgt 710,703 and 695 SL 721.5
How to trade Intraday and Positional Stocks Analysis — Click on this link
Performance sheet for Intraday and Positional is updated for July Month, Intraday Profit of 3.57 Lakh and Positional Profit of 4.79 Lakh. Please note we do not have any “ADVISORY Service”, I share this sheet to see how the system are performing and money can be made in Stock Market if System are followed with discipline. Also the performance differs from trader to trader.
- All prices relate to the NSE Spot/Cash Market
- Calls are based on the previous trading day’s price activity.
- Intraday call is valid for the next trading session only unless otherwise mentioned.
- Stop-loss levels are given so that there is a level below/above, which the market will tell us that the call has gone wrong. Stop-loss is an essential risk control mechanism; it should always be there.
- Book, at least, part profits when the prices reach their targets; if you continue to hold on to positions then use trailing stops to lock in your profits.
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Sir, I am confused. The rates shown are cash rate, right? Bharat forge closed at cash of 724 & future of 719. How to read it? Will it go down?
trades are taken as per cash rates..
Ji what is the candle Time frame of Tatamotors in above chart, I hour ji?
the given link is not opening the xl sheet
Its opening and accessible..
I wish I was an aggressive trader,most of the positional stocks reached their targets Intraday. Why did they double the lot size,to torture the retail investors!!:(
Is trading in cash market not allowed ?
Thanks sir your guidance and teaching has now changed and improved the thought process this I will like to show you by below comparison
Last 2 days during start of market suffered 3k-4k loss no mistake all was according to system but you will not believe sir I followed my system religiously and results on both days was I covered my loss and closed the day with +1k
Previous to your teaching I would have just felt bad and close the system or searching for new system for next day hoping
Sir just want to improve on one more thing I get too much involved in one trade that some time I forgot of others trade where I can take position but still happy as per your saying “slow and steady wins the race”
As i always say Trade Less Trade Better…
Haha,this market surprises me so much.GST bill passes and everyone(TV news) says nifty will increase..maybe its priced in.