How to trade Nifty Futures and Bank Nifty Futures as per Trend Changer Level

By | September 9, 2013 11:11 am

Trend Changer is a positional strategy for trading in Nifty Futures, Bank Nifty Futures and Stock Futures.

Trend Changer Level as its name indicates  is a pivotal number which reflects the balance of power within Nifty and Bank Nifty Futures. Its a number where Bulls and Bears are Neutralized.Once either of them are able to go beyond the Trend  Changer number decisively, big gains are made as seen in 04 Sep when Nifty Trend Changer level was 5430 and Nifty has been rallying hard closed at 5706 and as we write SGX is trading at 5769, gain of 340 points in 3 trading days.

But there are many occasions, a keen tussle develops at such a point to wrest back the control as was evident on 04th sept. When Bank Nifty Trend Changer level was 8982 and on 05 Sep it open at 9225 loss of 244 Points.

Where can a trade get Trend Change Level?

Trend Changer level is published everyday on the site as part of FII data analysis. It is published both for Nifty Futures and Bank Nifty Futures.

How to Trade as per Trend Changer level?

If you are an aggressive trader take position as and when NF sustains above TC level for 5 minutes keeping 20 points SL for NF and 50 points for BNF.

If you are conservative trader wait for EOD close above the levels but many times it might happen Nifty has rallied more than 50-100 points intraday and this will deter trader from taking positions.

Part Booking and TSL should be mandatory once positions comes in your favor. Trading Positions are reversed when NF and BNF starts trading below the Trend Changer level.

Trading Capital required?

As Trend Changer level is a positional strategy for trading Nifty and Bank Nifty Futures Traders should have Capital more than 1 Lakh.

Example of Trade taken

8917,8977,9052,9017,9082 and 8981 are TC level of Bank Nifty from 30 Aug to 6 Sep. Click on Numbers to visit the post.

30 Aug longs triggered at 8917 after which Bank nifty made a high of 9250.

TSL got triggered at 9052 on 3 Aug This move gave 333 points.

Short got triggered at 9052 and Nifty made a low of 8501 on 4 sep and closed at 8899, This move gave at least 551 points and this requires part booking

On 5 Sep BNF open gap up at 9318 and first 5 mins high of 9564 Trader should exit immediately, exited around 9450 so loss of 400 points from entry of 9052.

As per rule Trader should move back to long so trader should take position around 9500 levels and yesterday bank nifty made high of loss of 400 points got covered in this move.

Trend Changer number should be used by positional traders who want to hold on to their positions overnight who do not take excessive leverage and have sound risk management in their trading . Traders trading on Trend Changer level should follow only Trend Changer level and ignore all other trading noises.

Do’s and Don’t while trading on Trend Changer Level.

The above example what i have discussed is an approach what professional traders does without any emotions reversing positions/doing part booking and it required lot of practices and mental toughness not being afraid of market and a good trading capital without having excessive leverage .More Importantly you should be avoiding market noises and Technical Inputs like market getting oversold/overbought.

Trader can Capture the Big moves only if you can leave your ego outside the trading room.


Can I learn how to generate Trend Changer Level.

I do personalized 1-1 training and is covered as part of my Trading Course


Can Trend Changer be generated for Stocks also?

Yes Trend Changer number is generated for Stock also and same is covered as part of my Trading Course

I have been getting lots of email asking how to trade Trend Changer level, Hope the above article will help in understanding the concept and trading of TC level. Any further clarification required type in the comment box below. Will be happy to clarify.

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Category: Daily

About Bramesh

Bramesh Bhandari has been actively trading the Indian Stock Markets since over 15+ Years. His primary strategies are his interpretations and applications of Gann And Astro Methodologies developed over the past decade.

44 thoughts on “How to trade Nifty Futures and Bank Nifty Futures as per Trend Changer Level

  1. Ankhi

    As per your advice I put SL in system. Please tell me one thing…. should I put SLR ( stop loss reverse ) or only SL put in system and wait for 5 minutes, after that I reverse my trade.
    Please help me

  2. Ankhi Biswas

    You said that when NF sustains above TC level for 5 minutes keeping 20 points SL for NF and 50 points for BNF.
    Please tell me after executed my trade should I SL put in my terminal or wait for 5 min, because sometimes price going down, SL triggered and after that, again price going up above TC level.
    Please help me.

    1. Bramesh Post author

      We keep SL in system.. If triggered and again goes above TC level we will reenter again.. If SL is triggered twice stop trading for that day…

  3. Prashant Thyagaraju

    I clicked n the link Traning Course to understnd the TC level, however, only the course name as FII Data Analysis to find Trend Change available, but can’t open the content. Please help me with this Course.

  4. Anupam

    Please tell me regarding TC level…… as for example Bank Nifty TC level @ 19000
    Bank Nifty Sustain above above TC level @ 19150 for 5 mins a buy signal is generated. At what Price do i place the stoploss and reverse the positions? @ 18950 or 19100? Please clear the Doubt.
    Thank You

    1. Bramesh Post author

      If TC level is 19000 you need to take trade around 19050 if bank nifty is trading at 19150 you cannot take trade SL is 50 points from entry.

  5. kishore

    Where do one book profit after the trend changes for intraday ( position taken after 5 mins watch ) ?
    or we keep the stop loss trailing and leave for the stop loss to be trigered.

    In which case, we may end up buying and selling at the same price intraday
    ( if say 20 points TCL applied )

    1. Bramesh Post author

      As a trader you need to develop your rules based on your risk money management and your trading personality.

      You need to find your own knack….We are providing you an initiation point which you should include in your trading plan and see if desired results are coming…

  6. Abhishek

    Hi Bramesh Sir, Sorry to disturb you Sir, this is Abhishek.
    I had one doubt in your TC Levels for nifty.TC Level for Nifty Futures is 8663
    Say for example Nifty Sustains above 8663 for 5 mins a buy signal is generated. At what Price do we place the stoploss and reverse the positions sir? at 8643? Please clear the Doubt SIr. Thank You

  7. Ankhi

    As for example TC level 18000, bank nifty trade above TC level and close 18150
    Next day TC level 18050 ……
    Please tell me 18050 TSL or 18000 TSL ?

        1. Ankhi

          Sir, I am very much interested regarding TC level.
          Please tell me regarding TC level trading course

  8. Devendra

    Dear Bramesh thank you for all your technical guidance and concern towards teaching TA.
    I am interested in learning ur TA course and I am from Bangalore.
    Kindly send me the course details to email I’d:
    Thank you.

  9. Manoj Tewary

    When TC is for positional trading, then why Intraday TC & Positional TC levels mentioned?

    Warm Regards,
    Manoj Tewary

  10. dinesh bindal

    as part of risk management while trading as per tc lvls is it advisable
    to ce or pe on eod to save from gap
    up/dn opening and if so which strike?

  11. Suhas

    Hi Bramesh,

    Where to get schedule for your training courses. Do you have them online or in class room. I would like to have your schedule in Delhi.




  12. rkapoor41212

    Dear Sir,

    When you give TC levels (positional) for Nifty Future, can they be applied to the Nifty Futures of next month’s series especially around the expiry of the current contract.
    It may be possible that the TC level may be higher than the future of current series and lower than the future of next series.

    Thanks, Raman

    P.S. Please ignore if the question is lame

  13. vikaskvikas


    Bramesh sir is a great teacher and mentor with immense practical knowledge of trading.

    with full of satisfaction i have been following what he taught during training/teaching.A great help for me.I am now a much much better trader what i was before training.And continuously improving.

  14. Publicum

    How much TSL should be kept for Nifty on next day (and also till final exit) after entry is initiated according to Trend Changer level.

  15. Manik

    Dear Barmesh,

    Even i am also looking for some training. Could you please let me know if there are any possibility.

    Your analysis is too good.



    Do you take classes on technical analysis? I would like to learn so from you, your technical analysis are good.

    thanking you


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