It’s important to have a plan, remain disciplined in executing that plan, and pay attention to what is actually happening rather than what you expect to happen. We try to be as objective as possible in our analyses… It’s not always easy for people who are involved every day to stay with a plan when misfortune occurs for a time. You always encounter the unexpected and this can push discipline right out of the way in the name of prudence. But prudence almost always dictates staying with the approach that has made you successful. I see that as one of my primary roles. I often encourage everyone during difficult days to remain patient. I don’t blame people for the unexpected.
John W. Henry
CME Magazine, Premier Issue
After CRR cut of 75 BPS SBI is bound to open gap up tomorrow around 2300 levels.
Buying is advisable only above 2335.
Buy above 2335 Tgt 2360,2390 and 2444
TATA Steel
Tata Steel on a close above 466 will become a positional buy. Bounced back from crucial level of 415 .Buy above 466 Tgt 473,478,484 and 489
Sell below 448 Tgt 442,438 and 432
Bajaj Electric
Bajaj Electric is showing a breakout characteristics as from the above chart. Trading has just got restricted in tight band of 184-195.
Buy above 196 Tgt 199.6 and 204
Sell below 188 Tgt 184,182,177 and 173