Below is my Interpretation of FII OI data Sheet for 21-Feb-12.
1. FII sold 2833 Contracts of NF worth 55.41 cores OI also increasing by 41487 contracts. The OI for FII is inclusive of all months, so it rules out rollover.
2. As Nifty Futures was up by 32 points and OI has increased by 41487 contracts means longs were added by FII on net to net basis.
3. Today Nifty Future closed at 7 month high 5622 backed by liquidity by Central Banks around the world. Make money till musics lasts.
4. Nifty Feb OI has decreased by massive 57 lakh .Total OI stands at 1.64 cores contracts.Rollover have started and 70 Lakh got rollovered to March series implying whole 57 Lakh got rollovered with fresh 13 lakh addition. Will Bullishness be carried over to March Series ?
5. As 57 Lakhs got rollovered today when Nifty March Future made a low of 5614 and High of 5674 implying 5614 be an important support levels for March Series.
7.Total F&O turnover was 1.53 Lakh cores with highest Volume traded in Feb series 392545 . As we are nearing expiry expect market to be volatile in a tight range.
8. In equity FII bought 1400 cores DII sold 1244 cores. FII has bought massive 15211 cores in Feb series only.
9. Today FII average traded price for NF comes at 3911 and today traded quantity once of the highest in series implying they are also doing day trading at higher level.
10. How bullish the street has turned Nifty Spot closes at 5607 and March Future at 5663 Premium of 56 Points ;).
11. 5600 CE is having highest OI of 51 Lakhs as expiry is just 2 days away still no Call Option OI above 80 lakhs shows the fear in Call Writers, 5400 PE is having the highest OI 71 Lakhs. 5400 looks like a firm base.
12 . We talked about the 5600 PE writers as they were in win win situation in our last post today premium got decreased by 25 points
11. FII SAR for Wednesday 5625 NF Feb((For Positional Traders) and VWAP at5373 NF (Below this Level Bears will attack Nifty).
12. Today we had a quick points on intrady based on SAR levels as we longed around 5581 and covered all at 5622 as per update on Facebook page.
Buy above 5623 Tgt 5652,5690,5720
Sell below 5596 Tgt 5562,5534 and 5500 Intra day Players can use the Levels.
All levels mentioned are SPOT levels.
While selling the Greece news ie Buy on Rumuour and Sell on News is the obvious move with USA and European market correction , Macro Man reminds it’s the ECB and its LTRO which is the more important market driver right now. The gush of liquidity (with more to come on Feb. 29) has stopped sovereign risk from spreading to the banks. If anything, post-bailout dips should be bought.
Let me go by Disclaimer these are my personal views and trade taken on these observation should be traded with strict Sl
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