Astrology in general is not looked upon fondly in modern society. It is labeled as superstitious, unscientific, and relegated to the back page of newspapers next to the comics. However, many traders, including myself, use astrology to time markets with very high success. In many cases, it is possible to know when a turning point will occur in the market down to the exact minute when using appropriate techniques. The reason I say “appropriate” is that most of the techniques used by professional astrotraders tend to be quite a bit different from what you’ll find in an introductory astrology book at your local bookstore.
Industry statistics show that only around 10% of traders make money in the markets over time. That 10% includes traders that are marginally profitable, all the way up to professional fund managers. In the top 0.5% or so, we find traders that not only can trade profitably, but do so in a way that both astounds and amazes others in the industry. During their time, WD Gann, George Bayer, and George Marechal all fell into this category. WD Gann was good enough that his status has grown to legend since his passing, and he is an almost cult-like figure in the minds of many traders today. All of these traders had one thing in common: their forecasting methods were primarily based on astrological techniques.
“I remember reading George Bayer’s book Stock & Commodity Traders Handbook of Trend Determination. In rule #1 he states that The trend changes when Mercury changes its direction it was on 03 October and you can see all world markets are rallying conceptualized using astrology in this manner. But it did help me to change my astrological mind set.”
George Bayer was a financial astrologer and trader who made market forecasts during the same time as W. D. Gann. He was born in Germany and moved to the USA just after 1900, fulfilling the American dream of becoming a very successful trader in the speculative markets of New York and Chicago.
His highly original mind singles him out as one of the 20th-century’s investment giants. He was the first to apply other astronomical parameters in forecasting financial markets. He introduced a method of Horoscope analysis known as the Five Fold Horoscope and claimed that astrological progression of the moon over the points of such a horoscope produced vibration in the price of a stock or commodity.
His forecasts are documented in his Market Previews, and he published a total of 8 books, all in English, and all on trading stocks and commodities:
Time Factors in the Stock Market – 1933,
Complete Course of Astrology – 1937,
Bible Interpretation – 1937,
Stock & Commodity Traders’ Handbook of Trend Determination – 1940,
Gold Nuggets for Stock & Commodity Traders – 1941,
Egg of Columbus – 1942,
Turning Four Hundred Years of Astrology to Practical Use – 1943,
George Wollsten – 1946).
Stock & Commodity Traders Handbook of Trend Determination (1940) is an excellent introduction to the methods used by George Bayer. It lays the ground work principles in fairly simple terms which is directly focused upon giving a set of clearly defined trading rules Fro traders to apply, using his astrological indicators
Below are Few Videos we have explained George Bayer Rules
Geroge Bayers ki Future ki Dates nikalnay ka koi aasan tereeka ya phir koi website per ho
Nice one Bramesh ji !!! God bless you.