W D Gann Ticker Interview Part -I
W D Gann Ticker Interview Part -II
“Mr. Gann’s calculations are based on natural law.I have followed his work closely for years. I know that he had a firm grasp of the basic principles which govern stock market movements and I do not believe any other man on earth can duplicate the idea or bis method at the present time.
“Early this year he figures that the top of the advance would fall on a certain day in August and calculated the prices at which the Dow-Jones averages would then stand. The market culminated on the exact day and within four-tenths of one percent of the figures predicted.”
“You and Mr. Gann must have cleaned up considerable money on all these operations,” we suggested.
“Yes, we have made a great deal of money. He bas taken half a million dolla rs out of the market in the past few years. I once saw him take $130, and in less than one month run it up to over $12,000.He can eompo1111d mouey faster than any man I ever met.”
“One of the most astonishing calculations made by Mr.Gann was during last summer (1909) wh en he predicted that September wheat would sell at $1.20.This meant that it must touch that figure before lhe end of the month of September.At twelve o’clock,Chicago time, 011 September 30th (the last day) the option was selling below Sl.08, and it looked as though bis prediction would not be fulfilled .Mr.Gano said, ‘Ifit docs not touch $1.20 by the close of the ma rket it will prove that there is something wrong with my whole method of calculation. I do not care what the price is now,it mu st go there.” It is common history that September wheat surprised the
whole coun try by selling at Sl.20 and no h igher in the very last hou r of the trading, closing at lhat figure.”
So much for what Mr.Gano bas said and done as evidenced by himself and others. Now as to what demonstrations have taken place before our representative:
During the month of October, 1909, in twenty-five market days, Mr. Gann made, in the presence of our representati ve, two hundred and eighty-six transactions in various stocks, on both the long and short side of the market. Two hundred and sixty-four of these transactions resulted in profits, twenty-two in losses.
The capital with which he operated was doubled ten times, so that at theend of the month he bad one thousand per cent on his original margin.
In our presence Mr. Gann sold Steel common short at 94-7/8,saying that it would not go to 95.
It did not.
On a drive which occurred during the week ending October 29,Mr. Gann bought Steel common at 86-1/4, saying that it would not go to 86.The .lowest it sold was 86- 1/8.
We have seen him give in one day sixteen successive orders in the same stock, eight of which turn ed out to beat either the top or the bottom eighth of that particular swing. The above we can positively verify.
Such performances as these, coupled with the foregoing, are probably unparalleled in the history of the Street.
James R. Keene bas said, “The man who Is right six times ou t of ten will make his fortune.”
Here is a trader,who, without any attempt to make a showing (for he did not know the results were to be published), established a record of over ninety-two per c·ent profitable trades.
Mr.Gann bas refused to disclose his method at any price, but to those scientifically inclined be bas unquestiooably added to the stock of Wall Street knowledge and pointed ou t iofioite possibilities.
We have requested Mr.Gann to figure out for the readers of Tbe Ticker a few of the most striking indkations which appear in his calculatioos. Inpreseoting these we wish it u nderstood that no man, in or ou t of Wall Street, io infallible.
Mr.Gano’s figures at present ind ic.atc that the trend of the stock market should, barring the u sual rallies be toward lower prices un til March or Apri l, J 91O.
Be calculates that May wheat, which ls now selling at Sl.02,should not sell below 99 cents and should sell at Sl.45 next spring.
On cotton,which is now at about the JS cent level, he estimates that, after a good reaction from these prices, the commodity should reach 18 cents In the spring of 1910. He locks for a corner in the March or May option.
\Vhetber these figures prove correct or not, will in no sense detract from the record which Mr.Gano has already established.
Mr. Gano was born in Lufkin, Texas, and is tbirty–0ne years or age. Heis a gifted mathematicia n, has an extraordinary memory for figures, and is an expert Tape Reader.Take away his science and he would beat the market on h is Intuitive tape reading alone.
Endowed as be is with such qualities, we have no hesitation in predicting that within a comparatively few years William 0. Gann will receive full recognition as one of Wall Street’s leading operators.
Note: – Since the above forecast was made, Cotton has suffered the expected decline, the extreme break having been 120 points. The lowest on May wheat thus far has been $1.01-5/8. Itis now selling at SJ .06-1/4.