- FII sold 4.6 K contract of Index Future worth 441 cores, Net OI has increased by 4.4 K contract, 67 Long contract were liquidated by FII and 4.5 K short were added by FII. Net FII Long Short ratio at 0.72, So FII used rise to exit longs and enter shorts.
- As discussed in last analysis Bulls will get active above 11890 for a move back to 11946/12000. As per time cycle another good move should be seen tomorrow. Bears were unable to do target of 11777 so it was a day of whipsaw. As today was an Important astro date Break of High and Low can see 75-125 points move in Nifty. Bulls need to close above 11900 for a move back to 11946/12000/12068. Bears will get active below 11800 for a move back to 11747/11693.
- Important intraday time for reversal can be at 9:42/10:43/11:50/2:16 How to Find and Trade Intraday Reversal Times
- Total Future & Option trading volume at 31 Lakh core with total contract traded at 1.05 lakh , PCR @0.68
- Nifty Nov Future Open Interest Volume is at 1.53 Lakh core with liquidation of 2.6 Lakh with increase in cost of carry suggesting short position were closed today, NF Rollover cost @11814 closed above it.
- 12000 CE is having Highest OI at 9.8 Lakh, resistance at 12000 followed by 12100 .11500-12000 CE added 31 Lakh in OI so bears added position in range of 12000-12200.
- 11800 PE OI@14.2 Lakhs having the highest OI strong support at 11800 followed by 11700 . 11500-12000 PE added 35 Lakh in OI so bulls added position in range 11800-11700.
- FII’s sold 562 cores and DII’s bought 82 cores in cash segment.INR closed at 72.03
- Nifty Futures Trend Deciding level is 11873 For Intraday Traders). NF Trend Changer Level (Positional Traders) 11946 How to trade Nifty Futures and Bank Nifty Futures as per Trend Changer Level
Buy Above 11890 Tgt 11910,11946 and 11965 (Nifty Spot Levels)
Sell Below 11850 Tgt 11820,11800 and 11777 (Nifty Spot Levels)
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