Market volatility is back with a vengeance after being dormant for most of 2017. As a Matter of Fact there was not a single day in 2017 when Nifty did a correction of more than 2 %, In 2018 we had plenty of such days where we had a fall of more than 2% and Intraday Swings of more than 3% .
How would it change your trading day if you haphazardly traded by following your gut or Sixth Sense? What about basing your trading decisions on whether the stars aligned in a certain pattern last night, or if the sun came up at a particular time?
Traders throughout trading time have written countless books on ways to decide whether to buy or sell when placing a trade. Some say it is a definitive chart pattern. Others admonish you to trade by the way you feel. Still others believe in the approach of simply doing whatever the guru says to do.
Trading blindly, or without the proper training, is setting yourself up for failure.
It comes down to education. How can you possibly be in charge of your trades and your money if you do not know what you are doing? You have to understand how things work in the trading world.
Get a Mentor
The best asset to your trading is having a knowledgeable mentor in your corner. Even the most well-written book or well-structured online trading course can only cover so many contingencies! When you run into a unique scenario and money -your money — is on the line, why gamble when you could ask someone more experience for help?
A mentor can ensure that your trading practices get off on the right foot, as well. If you develop bad habits or emotional triggers early on in your trading career, it’s going to be that much harder to “shake” them later on. Remember: your mentor has likely had the same fears,and its Helps in shortening the Learning Curve by atleast 3-4 years — learn from their mistakes and the student might even surpass the teacher, in time. Just like in any other profession we use Formal Education before Diving in, Same needs to be applied for trading, Can you imagine just studying for 1 Year for Medical and opening a Clinic, It would be a dangerous thing to do.
The importance of leverage
A significant number of traders believe that they can accurately predict price trends. With this in mind, many traders try to take advantage of something called leverage. Leverage is the ability to make large trades in the market with only a small amount of actual capital in your account. a result, traders can make huge profits.

However, using leverage can also lead to significant losses when the market moves against an open position. Because of this, it’s important that traders know the potential implications of using leverage on their trades and act with great care. Traders needs to understand when to use Leverage best in your favor like when you have high probability trade set up
You increase your potential for success
Although Trading is a high-risk profession , it can also turnaround high and quick returns. Getting a good Trading education will help you understand how to mitigate the risks and capitalize on the gains. As with every other career or endeavor, the chances of becoming successful are much higher with an education. No matter how “foolproof” a trading system seems, always filter it through your mentor and your own trading research to ensure it’s worth pursuing.
An old saying also holds true, here: don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. While it’s important to get comfortable with risk in trading, don’t bet the farm when you’re still learning the ropes. As you practice your trades and build confidence in your methods, success will follow naturally.
Well Said Sir. Have been following your articles for almost 2 years now. Was actually wondering where to start the trading education, can you please share some details on the same if you’re offering the online / classroom trainings for the same. Kindly share the same with