Buy above 911 Tgt 928,940 and 951 SL 905
Sell below 899 Tgt 893,882 and 863 SL 905
Buy above 35.8 Tgt 36.3,37 and 37.5 SL 35.5
Sell below 35.2 Tgt 34.8,34.4 and 34 SL 35.5
Tata Steel
Buy above 473 Tgt 478,485 and 497 SL 471
Sell below 466 Tgt 460,454 and 447 SL 469
How to trade Intraday and Positional Calls — Click on this link
Performance sheet for Intraday and Positional is updated for September Month, Intraday Profit of 3.58 Lakh and Positional Profit of 2.09 Lakh
- All prices relate to the NSE Spot
- Calls are based on the previous trading day’s price activity.
- The call is valid for the next trading session only unless otherwise mentioned.
- Stop-loss levels are given so that there is a level below/above, which the market will tell us that the call has gone wrong. Stop-loss is an essential risk control mechanism; it should always be there.
- Book, at least, part profits when the prices reach their targets; if you continue to hold on to positions then use trailing stops to lock in your profits.
Dear Sir,
Your analysis and forecasts are spot on .I have been doing some paper trading as per your calls and have been in the green throughout.I am relatively new to day trading and would be highly obliged if you can kindly suggest any way I can request you to be my mentor!Looking forward for your kind response,
hello sir,
i would like to appreciate your excellent work to analysis in stocks. i noticed frequently having excellent, superb, analysis in nifty and stocks which fascinating me.
i would like to join with your positional stock futures tips
kindly request to contact.
Excellent analysis
Your blog for Positional Performance is Empty….
Profit as per your targets for IFCI is 0.4-0.50 P? How much does one actually make after expenses? How to know how much to square off at each level assuming we get it right till say 1st then 2nd target and then price goes against us, say I take a position of 200 shares only for an example?
IFCI lot size in Futures is 9000 so if you get profit of .50 P its 4.5K per lot. If you trade in 200 Qty this stock is not for you.
Thank you sir.