IRB has been rising steadily from the low of 181, As per Elliot wave stock is in 3 wave which can end soon as show in below chart , so profit booking is advised to short term traders/investor.Closing below 267 stock will head back to 254 odd levels.
Buy above 270 Tgt 272,276 and 283 SL 267.7
Sell below 265 Tgt 261,258 and 257 SL 267.7
CESC is also in its 3 wave and almost achieved the target,Caution is advised on long trade.
Buy above 782 TGt 787,797 and 814 SL 775
Sell below 768 Tgt 760,753 and 742 SL 775
HCL Tech
Closing above 1512 Tgt is 1542/1563
Buy above 1512 Tgt 1521,1535 and 1558 SL 1505
Sell below 1497 Tgt 1485,1475 and 1462 SL 1502
Performance sheet for Intraday and Positional is updated for June Month, Intraday Profit of 1.77 Lakh and Positional Profit of 4.77 Lakh
- All prices relate to the NSE Spot
- Calls are based on the previous trading day’s price activity.
- The call is valid for the next trading session only unless otherwise mentioned.
- Stop-loss levels are given so that there is a level below/above, which the market will tell us that the call has gone wrong. Stop-loss is an essential risk control mechanism; it should always be there.
- Book, at least, part profits when the prices reach their targets; if you continue to hold on to positions then use trailing stops to lock in your profits.