Discipline problems typically begin with experiences of frustration.
Frustration is a function of not meeting goals and expectations.
Many times, traders try to adopt psychological strategies for combating frustration. These can be helpful, but they don’t get at the root of the frustration problem.
If we do not set challenging, but feasible goals, we cannot experience ourselves as effective, successful people. Goals that are perfectionistic cannot be met and thus generate frustration.
The failure to set goals robs us of opportunities for cultivating a sense of purpose and well-being.
Goal-setting is not just essential to mastering markets; it’s essential as a tool of psychological management. We shape our experience of ourselves by controlling what we pursue and how we evaluate the pursuit.
Allahabad Bank
Allahabad Bank came out with a pretty bad set of number and stock traded with life high volumes today. 128 is an important support for stock and has bounced from this level today and in past few sessions. But stock is trading well below 138 and below its falling trendline.
Sell below 134.1 Tgt 133,131.8 and 129
Buy above 135 Tgt 136.1 and 138.7
Tata Motors
Tata Motors will be coming out with its results on 7 Nov. Stock till it holds 264-265 can see a bounceback to resistance zone of 276-78.
Buy above 270.5 Tgt 274,276 and 278
Sell below 268.6 Tgt 266,264 and 262
Rel Infra
Buy above 490 Tgt 493,496 and 500
Sell below 485 Tgt 483,478 and 474