Breakout Trades:ZEE Limited and Pipavav

By | April 19, 2011 4:09 pm

PIPAVAV Shipyard

Pipavav Shipyard has been trading in a range from past many trading seesions as shown in below charts.

Stock has technically broke out of the range as per Breakout Trading System and secondly closed above its 200 DMA @88.8 on huge volumes which is again a Bullish instance for the stock.

Buy above rs 90 Tgt 92.5 and 95



ZEE Limited

ZEE Limited today broke its trading range and again moved to its 200 DMA @138 with huge volumes but unable to close above it.

CLose above 138 with volumes will bring back momentum to the stock.


MACD turned to BUY.

Buy above 138 Tgt 143,145,149 and 155





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