Technical Calls:PFC, AB Nuvo and CESC

By | September 24, 2012 5:36 am

Getting high after a huge win – These traders tie their self-worth to their success in the markets or by the value of their account. Usually, these folks have an unrealistic feeling of being “in control” of the markets. A huge loss usually sobers them up pretty quickly. It’s important to maintain emotional restraint after wins, just as you would for losses.


PFC will be active today as Cabinet committee meet today on deciding on the package for power companies. Stock has been rallying on the basis of this news. Friday saw a quick correction in last 30 mins of trade after unable to breach the range of 201-202.

Buy above 196 Tgt 200,202 and 206

Sell below 192 Tgt 190,187 and 185



CESC is trading in a perfect channel,with breakout in offing.

Buy above 332 Tgt 334,336 and 341

Sell below 327 Tgt 324,322 and 319


Aditya Birla Nuvo


Perfect range breakout backed with price and volume action.

Buy above 860 Tgt 874,894 and 920

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