Below is my Interpretation of FII OI data Sheet for 2-Feb-12.
1. FII bought 11919 Contracts of NF worth 328.75 cores OI also increased by 7895 contracts.
2. OI has increased by 7895 Contracts which means FII have moved towards long side of trade, Still no signs of shorting the index
3. Averge traded price from FII data comes at 5516 which is way higher than today’s traded price of 5272, which means institution have done lot of day trading.
4. Nifty trend is strong which can be understood how the Dips on Supreme Court cancelling the licensees the dips get bought into with a sharp V shaped recovery. FII SAR 5228 came to our savior again as panic Low was at 5232 and Nifty bounced back sharply.
5. NF premium has declined considerably from the high of 35 yesterday to 5-6 points today and the reason why Nifty Puts were still positive when Nifty was down.
6. Channel Breakout happened in Nifty with a DOJI candle subjecting state of indecision between Bulls and Bears but on such important juncture always confirm the same with Sensex
SENSEX has still not shown channel breakout
As shown in above chart Sensex has still not shown the channel breakout. Nifty has been doing whipsaw in past but sensex never does so .
7. Nifty OI has decreased marginally by 91K contract.Total OI stands at 2.18 contracts
8.Total F&O turnover was 1.20 Lakh cores highest in the series.Today was the 2 day Nifty closed above 200 DMA. More time spent over 200 DMA more strength bulls gain. 200 DMA now stands at 5192
9. In equity FII bought 1941.43 cores DII sold 653.2 cores.Today they bought one of the highest buy in recent months.
10. 5300 CE is having highes OI of 57 Lakhs whereas 5000 PE is having the highest OI 65 Lakhs,5100 PE has second highest OI of 64 Lakhs. Range has shifted to upper end.
11. Heavy Puts writing was seen in 5000-5200 PE in total of 25 Lakhs. Total 69 Lakhs added in 3 days. Massive Put writing with fresh addition of 11 lakhs in 5200 PE signify the confidence of Bulls. In such cases a shake out scenario should come tomorrow with Nifty dipping near 5200.
12. FII SAR has increased to 5234 and VWAP at 5204.
Buy above 5290 Tgt 5326 ,5343 and 5370
Sell below 5260 Tgt 5245,5226,5205
All levels mentioned are SPOT levels.
Let me go by Disclaimer these are my personal views and trade taken on these observation should be traded with strict Sl
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R u expecting that the 4 Gaps left in Nifty as mentioned in your previous articles will get filled..?? If yes, any expected time..?
Today again FIIs net bought Rs 1941 Crs worth of equities in Cash market…
Where will this flow of liquidity stop? (Hope it doesn’t stop :-)) Markets are already into extremely overbought situation!! Will the markets correct in the near term?
Sirji, what would be your advice for the investors (not traders)? Should they invest in the markets now or is there fair probability of markets correcting sharply in the short to medium term?
Dear Sir,
I would advise to book profits if you bought at lower levels and its not the time to invest now .
Nifty is up almost 700 points from lows ie. 15% and Stocks are up 30-50%
Wait for dip to enter the market.
helo sir ,
thanks for ur valuable analysis sir ,,
i could not understand 3rd point f ur view sir
average traded price of fii at 5516 ,
can u plz explain me
Hi Sir,
5516 is avg traded price of FII today.
Dear Sir,
you always say ” trade with the levels”. in FII data you give us EOD levels, then next morning you give new level ( like nifty is week below 5176 etc..) and after one hour you give Intraday FII SAR.. all these levels are sometimes opposite to each other… (few days ago u said nifty is weak below 5176 and then u said FII SAR Is 5195NF. then u said to keep SL of 5220 Ns for short.. it means in FII SAR Method u were LONG and in 5176 level u were SHORT at the same time..
please justify…
Dear Sir,
A successful traders trades on only 1 system and level generated by system he follows and have confidence upon.
As you said Nifty is Week below 5176 on 1 Feb morning Please refer to this post (http://www.brameshtechanalysis.com/2012/01/fii-fno-data-analysis-for-1-feb-trade-for-nifty-futures/) where i said sell below 5175 so i was just reiterating my views on FB page.
When Nifty Opens gap up and gap down we do need to change my levels and i do update on Facebook page for the same.
For the Short Trade we gave short at 5195 and NF made low of 5101.
FII SAR levels helps in fine tuning my positional trades.
Hi Bramesh,
Thanks for your levels and analysis it helps us a lot.
Truely speaking i made good amount of money both on Nifty and Stocks based on your analysis.
Just to show you my gratitude i have clicked on 1 add on your site which are displayed in between the post.
Would request all to click atmost 1 adds which are displayed in between post just to show token of respect towards his good work.
Thanks Rahul..
I appreciate your kind gesture.