Category Archives: Motivational Stories

Getting Rich vs. Staying Rich

By | January 19, 2024 3:59 pm

By Morgan Housel Abraham Germansky was a multimillionaire real estate developer in 1920s. He also loved stocks, betting heavily as the market boomed. As the crash of 1929 unfolded, he was wiped out. And that was basically the end of Abraham Germansky. Germansky disappeared on October 24th, 1929. Later that week another investor in the… Read More »

Krishna’s Game of War

By | January 5, 2024 7:17 pm

During the Kurukshetra war, which was described as the Dharma Yuddha, the mother of all battles, no one could remain neutral. You had to be either on the Kaurava side or the Pandava side. Hundreds of kings started aligning themselves on either side. Since Jarasandha of Magadha, who used to be a major force, was dead,… Read More »

King Raghu’s story

By | December 2, 2023 11:37 am

Source Long time ago there was a great king in the Raghukul dynasty (Lord Rama also belonged to the same dynasty). He was suffering from leprosy. He fell on the feet of his master, Guru Vashishtha and said: “Oh Master! So much of suffering… ?” The master kept his hand on his eyes and asked… Read More »

Diwali Gift for Mother On Diwali

By | November 10, 2023 11:30 pm

Shalini stood in front of the mirror and gathered the saree pallu neatly on her shoulder and said, Suraj, this time I am very late for Diwali shopping, Mrs. Taneja even went to the old age home and distributed sweets and clothes and also posted her post on Facebook. . Mrs. Vohra has also posted… Read More »

Great devotee story: BHAKTA KANAKADAS

By | November 3, 2023 6:57 pm

Source God is seen facing the main door in any temple. But in Udipi the temple is different. We see Lord Krishna not through the main door, but through a window to the side. It is called ‘Kanakana Kindi’ even today. The window through which a Bhakta called Kanakadas had the Darsan of God. The… Read More »

This Diamond Is Priceless !!!

By | October 27, 2023 8:28 pm

Once a fisherman after returning from fishing started to cut one of the fishes he caught. Inside the fish he found a very precious diamond. He did not know its value. So he took it to a merchant asked him to buy it. The merchant understood that the fisherman is completely ignorant about the value… Read More »

The Mouse and the Sage

By | October 20, 2023 9:20 pm

Once there was a king who was always fighting. One day he was badly wounded in a battle. A sage passed by and touched him, and the king was cured. He wanted to give the sage a reward for saving him, but the sage didn’t want anything. The king said, “I don’t want to be… Read More »

Group Of Three Robbers

By | October 6, 2023 8:45 pm

Source Once, long ago, there lived a group of three robbers in a big town. All the three were experts in one field or another. One was good at breaking locks open, one was good at forgery and one was good with his knife. Once, they robbed a house and escaped with a huge booty.… Read More »