Category Archives: Motivational Stories


By | July 19, 2024 9:58 pm

Raju was a smart little boy. He was naughty and playful. He loved playing games and cricket was his favourite.  Even on school days, he would play cricket until it was time to get ready for school. Or sometimes he would get up very late, rush through his homework that he had forgotten to do… Read More »

King Shrenik and Anathi Muni

By | June 21, 2024 8:16 pm

King Shrenik of Magadha set out for a forest outing on horseback. As he entered the Madikuli garden, he saw a saintly person meditating under a tree. He was surprised by the sight of such a pleasant face with a glowing forehead and was impressed by the monk. The King wondered what heart-rending and shocking… Read More »

Gandhar: Gautam Swami

By | June 14, 2024 10:05 pm

In 607 BCE, in a village named Gobar in the state of Magadha, lived a Brahmin couple named Vasubhuti and Prithvi Gautam. They had three sons: Indrabhuti, Agnibhuti, and Vayubhuti. All three sons were well-versed in the Hindu scriptures (Vedas) and were experts in the performance of Hindu rituals. They were great scholars at an… Read More »

Sulsa Shravika Story

By | June 7, 2024 9:38 pm

Bhagwan Mahavir was once giving his discourses in Champanagari and he saw Ambad Parivrajak (wandering monk) proceeding towards Rajgruhi. He stopped him and said, “On reaching Rajgruhi, tell Shravika Sulsa that Mahavir has wished her dharmalabh.” Ambad Parivrajak started thinking about Sulsa and her piety and devoutness since Bhagwan Mahavir also held her in high… Read More »

Kalikund Tirth

By | May 24, 2024 9:42 pm

There was a famous dense forest named Kadambari, full of wild and violent beasts of many species, situated near the city of Campa. In that forest, there was a very lofty mountain named Kali. In the valley of that mountain, there was a lake named Kunda. The valley came to be known as KaliKunda by… Read More »

Queen Chelna and King Shrenik

By | May 17, 2024 11:36 pm

This is a story from the time of Bhagwan Mahavir. At that time, King Chetak was the ruler of Vaishali, and he had a beautiful daughter named Chelna. Once, an artist named Bharat painted a picture of Chelna and showed it to King Shrenik (Bimbisar) of Magadh. Charmed by Chelna’s beauty, Shrenik fell in love… Read More »

There is no end to Karma without Suffering it

By | May 10, 2024 6:28 pm

Twelve years of meditation and penance passed with great success for Lord Mahavir. His life was exemplary. He put forth unsurpassable examples of truth, non-violence, forgiveness, compassion, fearlessness, yoga and true knowledge. In the thirteenth year, he faced another calamity. Near the village of Shammani, he stood in a meditation posture. Just like at the… Read More »


By | May 3, 2024 8:47 pm

A Sadhu went to the court of Raja Janaka and observed all his manifold activities. He then thought within himself: ‘How can we call Raja Janaka a Jnani? How can we take him for a spiritual man? He is only a worldly man. He is entrapped in so many worldly matters. He talks on worldly… Read More »

God in The Garb of Sadhu

By | April 26, 2024 6:45 pm

There was a small village named Devli. The king of Devli was suffering from a dreadful disease. Many drugs were applied to him, but in vain. Then the doctors said to the king, “There is God in garb. You can just try with some saints. He will recover you from the disease. “Go and find… Read More »