Marsh Mallow Theory in Trading

By | November 5, 2021 3:30 pm

In school, the teacher gave a delicious toffee to all the children in her class and then said a strange thing.

Listen, kids! You all don’t have to eat your toffee for ten minutes and saying this he left the class room.

There was silence in the class for a few moments, each child looking at the toffee in front of them and finding it difficult to contain themselves with each passing moment. Ten minutes passed and the teacher entered the class room. reviewed. There were seven children in the whole class who had the same toffees, while all the rest of the children were talking about the color and taste of toffee after eating it. The teacher secretly wrote the names of these seven children in his diary. Didn’t say anything to anyone and started teaching.

The name of this teacher was Walter Mischel.

After a few years, teacher Walter opened his diary and took out the names of the seven children and got information about them. He came to know that the seven children have achieved many successes in their lives and have been the most successful among the people in their respective fields. Teacher Walter also inquired about the remaining students of the same class and found that most of them lead a simple life, while there were some who are facing difficult economic and social conditions.

The result of this research, teacher Walter concluded in one sentence that –

“A person who cannot be patient for only ten minutes, he can never progress in life.”

This research gained worldwide fame and was named the “marsh mallow theory” because the toffee that teacher Walter gave to the children was named “marsh mallow”.

According to this theory, a quality ‘patience’ is definitely found in the most successful people of the world, along with many qualities, because this quality increases the power of tolerance in a person, due to which the man does not get discouraged even in difficult situations and he is a becomes a successful person.
Therefore, for a successful life and a happy future, develop the quality of patience in children from childhood.

Patience, Patience
Everyone has to have patience. No one can reach his goal directly. As you study, you do not reach the college directly. You reach the college slowly through the first, second rooms or if you cook food, then it is not done immediately, you have to wait for some time for the food to be cooked. Similarly, for success in life, you have to be patient. Don’t get discouraged by your failures, keep working patiently and hard, you will definitely get success. Patience can also provide you such opportunities so that you can easily reach your goals. So be patient.

Friends, if you want success in life, then it is very important to have patience in you, the person who does not have patience, that person is very weak. A brave person is the one who has patience, to achieve success in any work, first of all you have to maintain patience, friends, learn to be patient, with time in life everything becomes fine, just you should have patience, patience The fruit may be found after a while but the fruit obtained by it is definitely sweet! If someone hurts your heart, be patient, believe that time will give its answer, the person who has the power to be patient even in the toughest of times, believe that he is the most powerful person in the world, every decision taken in haste is a loss. That is why it is said that be patient.

Patience is such a ride that never lets its rider fall, neither in anyone’s feet nor in anyone’s eyes.

As gold shines in fire, so does the patient in calamity.

️Life is of two days! One day for you, one day against you. The day when it is in favor, do not be proud and the day it is against, you must have a little patience.

Patience is a virtue, and I am learning patience, it is a hard lesson.

️One minute of patience, ten years of peace

Even if the enemy’s iron is hot,
But the hammer can work only by staying cool.

️That person is very poor
Who doesn’t have patience!!

️The person who is the master of patience
He is the master of everything in the world!!

️Every person appreciates patience,
But no one is ready to implement this !!

Be patient, everything is difficult before it becomes easy!!

️The person who is patient on every angry thing,
One should be careful with the anger of such a person !!

Category: Motivational Stories

About Bramesh

Bramesh Bhandari has been actively trading the Indian Stock Markets since over 15+ Years. His primary strategies are his interpretations and applications of Gann And Astro Methodologies developed over the past decade.

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