Tag Archives: fii nifty future

FII F&O Data analysis for 12 Sep trade in Nifty Future Trading

By | September 11, 2012 7:37 pm

Nifty Future made a fresh September series high today at 5409. We have important events lined up in next 3 days so trade with caution as volatlity will be name of the game. IIP data will come tomorrow at 11 Am German Court decision on whther ESM is part of EU treaty or not will… Read More »

FII F&O Data analysis for 29 Aug trade in Nifty future

By | August 28, 2012 7:18 pm

     Remember, the people in pain, will be subjected to more pain during expiry. So, this month, bears are in pain, and there might be more pain for them around expiry. For this assumption to change, look for long liquidation in huge volumes in the FII OI figures. 1. FII  bought 15439  Contracts of… Read More »