Keep Your Mind Where You Are

By | October 14, 2022 8:14 pm

By Swami Tejomayananda

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. – Socrates.
Every person sees the world differently, depending on his nature and vision of life. The ignorant person and the wise one – both encounter the same world; but what is the vision of a person of wisdom?
How does he think, feel, and respond to the world?
Someone went to a realized person and asked, ‘I know that you are an enlightened one, but what do you do all day?’
The wise man replied, ‘I sleep, i get up, i take a shower, i eat and then i work.’

That is nothing different. I also do the same.’

‘But when i sleep, i sleep,’ corrected the enlightened person.

‘When i wake up, i am awake.

When i bathe, i bathe,

when i eat, i eat and

when i work, i work.’


The man protested, ‘But i do all this as well! Are you trying to fool me?’
‘You still do not get the point.

When you sleep, you dream.And even when you are awake, you are really asleep because you live in a dream world only,’ explained the wise man.

‘When you take a shower, you begin to think of all the things that you have to do that day. When you eat, your mind is somewhere else. And when you are at work, you think of home. Generally your mind is miles away from where you are.’
A wise person may look the same outwardly, but his mental state is quite different from ours. Some great souls are very relaxed; others are dynamic men and women of action and great organizers. Their behavior can also be quite unexpected and unpredictable.
Story Of Four Brothers:

Once there were four brothers. When their father died, his property was divided equally among them. Since one of the brothers was a monk, the other three protested about his share. According to them, the monk did not have any need for his share of the property. But the monk fought back, and insisted on his right.

One of the disciples knew the greatness of the monk, but when he saw him fighting with his brothers, he wondered about him. In order to test him, the disciple approached the teacher at a time when all the four brothers were arguing, heatedly, over the property.
He asked the monk to explain the meaning of the line from the Bhagwad Gita, ‘Anger leads to delusion.’ The monk smiled, took him aside and asked him to wait until he had finished the drama!
From that day, the disciple never doubted his teacher. He realized that the monk’s anger was just for show and it was under his control all the time.

When we are mindful, we are fully present in the moment and acutely aware of our five senses: touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell.

Engage your senses. This leaves less time for your mind to worry and think about “what ifs.”

So how can you practice mindfulness? Try breathing exercises and meditation, and focus on one thing at a time.

Category: Motivational Stories

About Bramesh

Bramesh Bhandari has been actively trading the Indian Stock Markets since over 15+ Years. His primary strategies are his interpretations and applications of Gann And Astro Methodologies developed over the past decade.

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