Expiry Day Trading using Harmonic Analysis : ZEE,IOC,ICICI BANK

By | May 27, 2021 7:27 am


Intraday Traders can use the below mentioned levels

Buy above 207 Tgt 209, 212 and 215 SL 205

Sell below  203.5 Tgt 201.5, 199.5 and 196 SL 205


Intraday Traders can use the below mentioned levels

Buy above 112.5 Tgt 113.5, 115 and 117 SL 111.5

Sell below  111 Tgt 110, 108.5 and 106.5 SL 112


Intraday Traders can use the below mentioned levels

Buy above 654 Tgt 660, 666 and 672 SL 649

Sell below 644 Tgt 638, 632 and 626 SL 650

How to trade Intraday and Positional Stocks Analysis  — Click on this link

Performance sheet for Intraday and Positional is discussed for April Month, Intraday Profit of 1.49 Lakh  and Positional Profit of 4.44 Lakh. Please note we do not have any “ADVISORY Service”, I share this sheet to see how the system are performing and money can be made in Stock Market if Trading  Systems are followed with discipline. Performance “Will differ” from trader to trader.



  • All prices relate to the NSE Spot/Cash Market
  • Calls are based on the previous trading day’s price activity.
  • Intraday call is valid for the next trading session only unless otherwise mentioned.
  • Stop-loss levels are given so that there is a level below/above, which the market will tell us that the call has gone wrong. Stop-loss is an essential risk control mechanism; it should always be there.
  • Book, at least, part profits when the prices reach their targets; if you continue to hold on to positions then use trailing stops to lock in your profits.

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