Share trading:DLF,Adani and United Spirits

By | March 11, 2013 11:06 pm



DLF which we covered few days stating till stock is unable to close below its 50 DMA stock is buy on dips, Stock rewarded the readers with an 15% rally in 6 trading session from low of 250 to 288. Stock is approaching its rising trendline at 290,short term traders should lock in profits .High risk traders can also intiate short keeping 290 as SL

Sell below 283.4 Tgt 281.5,279 and 276 SL 284.5

Adani Enterprises

Adani Ent

Adani Ent has been on rise from low of 203 and made high of 245 in 6 trading sessions.Stock is approaching its cluster of long term moving average at 245 and trendline resistance of 250. Short term traders can use this range of 245-250 to lock in gains.

Buy above 245 Tgt 247,249 and 251 SL 243.5

Sell below 240.5  Tgt 237,234 and 230 SL 243


United Spirits

United Spirits

United Spirits share has been trading in a tight range of 1796 to1950. Stock gave a breakout out of its tight trading range in today’s session with rise in volumes.

Buy above 1950 Tgt 1965,1980 and 2000 Sl 1940

Sell below 1928 Tgt 1919,1900 and 1880 SL 1940

  • All prices relate to the NSE Spot
  • Calls are based on the previous trading day’s price activity.
  • The call is valid for the next trading session only unless otherwise mentioned.
  • Stop-loss levels are given so that there is a level below/above, which the market will tell us that the call has gone wrong. Stop-loss is an essential risk control mechanism; it should always be there.
  • Book, at least, part profits when the prices reach their targets; if you continue to hold on to positions then use trailing stops to lock in your profits.

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