Rama’s Devoted Crow: A Lesson in Unwavering Devotion

By | October 18, 2024 10:26 pm

Lord Rama is known for having countless devotees, not only among human beings but also among animals. In fact, many of His most devoted followers are in animal forms, each displaying extraordinary love and dedication to Him. One such devotee was a crow, whose unwavering devotion provides a profound lesson for all.

The Curious Behavior of the Crow One day, Lord Rama and His brother Lakshman were walking beside the holy Lake Pampa Sarovar. As they walked, Lakshman noticed a large crow on the other side of the lake, behaving in a very peculiar way. The crow would run up to the water’s edge, look at it, bend its head as if to drink, and then run back into the forest without taking a sip. This pattern repeated several times, leaving Lakshman confused.

Lakshman’s Question and Rama’s Explanation

Perplexed by the crow’s actions, Lakshman turned to Rama and asked, “Why is this crow behaving so strangely?”
Rama, with a knowing smile, looked at the crow and replied, “This crow is a very great devotee. He is so dedicated to me that he constantly chants my holy names without pause. Right now, the crow is very thirsty and wants to drink water from the lake. However, to drink the water, he would have to stop chanting my name, even if just for a moment. But because he cannot bear to stop chanting, he chooses to remain thirsty rather than drink even a drop of water.”

Reflections on the Crow’s Devotion

This simple yet powerful story teaches us about the depth of devotion that true devotees aspire to. Like the crow, who prioritized chanting Lord Rama’s name over satisfying his physical needs, we too should strive for such absorption in the holy name. When our devotion reaches such a level, where nothing else matters more than the Lord’s name, we become noticed by the Lord Himself.

The Power of the Holy Name

The story ends with a reminder to all devotees to embrace the holy names of the Lord with the same fervor as the crow. Chanting the names of the Lord with deep absorption and sincerity is the path to receiving His grace and attention.

Lessons to Be Learned:

  1. Unwavering Devotion: The crow’s behavior demonstrates the profound level of devotion that true devotees seek to achieve. His unwillingness to stop chanting, even for a moment, shows that the highest form of devotion is prioritizing the Lord above all else.
  2. The Power of the Holy Name: Chanting the Lord’s name is not just a ritual but a direct connection to the divine. This story teaches us that constant remembrance of the Lord through His name can lead to His divine notice and grace.
  3. Sacrificing Material Needs for Spiritual Gains: The crow’s decision to forgo drinking water highlights the importance of prioritizing spiritual gains over material needs. It serves as a reminder that true satisfaction comes from spiritual fulfillment rather than physical comforts.
Category: Motivational Stories

About Bramesh

Bramesh Bhandari has been actively trading the Indian Stock Markets since over 15+ Years. His primary strategies are his interpretations and applications of Gann And Astro Methodologies developed over the past decade.

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