Overcoming the ‘Need to Be In a Trade’ Syndrome: Trading with Patience and Discipline

By | July 18, 2023 3:33 pm

The “need to be in a trade” syndrome is a common challenge faced by traders, where they feel compelled to constantly be active in the market, leading to impulsive and often poor trading decisions. This syndrome can arise from a fear of missing out, a desire for constant action, or a lack of patience and discipline. In this article, we will explore strategies to overcome the “need to be in a trade” syndrome and emphasize the importance of trading with patience and discipline.

Common Reason for Losing money by most of traders is , We make money is 3-4 trades but lose it all in next 1-2 trades. Trying to be in trade all the time is one of the main reason of not being a profitable trader. Most of the trades want to take part in all market moves and if they get correct 2-3 moves they become overconfident and start going easy on their trading discipline and lose all or majority of profit. The viscous cycle keep on repeating again and again.

The most important trait a trader needs to develop is to know when to be in market and when t be out. There are  times that we need to sit on the sidelines as the markets may not doing what we anticipate.

Understanding the “Need to Be In a Trade” Syndrome

The “need to be in a trade” syndrome stems from various psychological and emotional factors that can impact traders’ decision-making. Some key aspects of this syndrome include:

  1. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Traders may feel a fear of missing out on potential profits when they see others making successful trades or when they observe market movements that seem favorable. This fear can drive them to enter trades impulsively, without proper analysis or risk management.
  2. Desire for Constant Action: Some traders have an inherent need for constant action and excitement. They may feel restless or bored when they are not actively trading, leading them to enter trades without proper consideration or patience.
  3. Impatience and Instant Gratification: Traders may struggle with patience and the ability to wait for high-probability setups. The desire for instant gratification can push them to enter trades prematurely or take excessive risks, neglecting the importance of careful analysis and planning.

Strategies to Overcome the “Need to Be In a Trade” Syndrome

  1. Develop a Trading Plan: A well-defined trading plan is essential to overcome the “need to be in a trade” syndrome. The plan should include specific criteria for entering and exiting trades, as well as risk management strategies. By having a clear plan in place, traders can resist impulsive trades and wait for setups that align with their strategy.
  2. Set Realistic Goals: Traders should set realistic expectations and goals for their trading activities. It is important to recognize that consistent profits are achieved over time through disciplined and patient trading, rather than constant action. Setting achievable goals helps manage expectations and reduces the pressure to be constantly in a trade.
  3. Focus on Quality over Quantity: Quality trades that meet the criteria of the trading plan should take precedence over the quantity of trades. Traders should prioritize the accuracy of their analysis and the risk-reward ratio of potential trades. By focusing on high-quality setups, traders can improve their trading performance and avoid impulsive trades driven by the “need to be in a trade” syndrome.
  4. Embrace Patience: Patience is a virtue in trading. Traders should recognize that waiting for the right opportunities is essential for long-term success. Embracing patience allows traders to thoroughly analyze the market, wait for confirmation signals, and enter trades with higher probabilities of success.
  5. Practice Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness can help traders become more aware of their emotions and impulses. By staying present in the moment and being mindful of their trading decisions, traders can avoid impulsive actions driven by the “need to be in a trade” syndrome. Mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and self-reflection can be beneficial in cultivating discipline and patience.
  6. Journaling and Reviewing Trades: Maintaining a trading journal and regularly reviewing past trades can provide valuable insights. Traders can analyze their impulsive trades and identify patterns or triggers that lead to such behavior. By reflecting on previous trades, traders can learn from their mistakes, reinforce discipline, and improve decision-making.
  7. Seek Support and Accountability: Engaging with a supportive trading community or finding a trading mentor can provide valuable guidance and accountability. Sharing experiences and discussing trading strategies with like-minded individuals can help traders stay focused, reinforce discipline, and overcome the “need to be in a trade” syndrome.


Overcoming the “need to be in a trade” syndrome is crucial for successful trading. By developing a trading plan, setting realistic goals, focusing on quality over quantity, embracing patience, practicing mindfulness, journaling and reviewing trades, and seeking support and accountability, traders can cultivate the patience and discipline required for consistent profitability. Remember, successful trading is not about constant action but about making well-thought-out, strategic decisions based on analysis, planning, and discipline.

Trading is about choosing the right trade that has the best potential for working in your favor.

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