Struggling with Your Trading? Essential Questions to Reflect On ?

By | June 23, 2023 6:42 pm

When I have a string of losses I pause and reflect and ponder if it is me trading badly or just the market environment not being conducive to my trading method.  Here are 10 questions we will do well to ask ourselves at times when we seem to be out of synch with the market.

  • Are we taking good entries? We have to enter at a high probability moments to put the odds of winning on our side. Buying support bounces, shorting resistance levels, or entering on confirmed break outs.

  • Are we trading too big? Big position sizes can cause us to stress to much and exit too quickly, we must trade a comfortable level that allows us to overcome our emotions and stick to our trading plan.

  • Are we risking too much per trade? We need to cap our risks at no more than 1% to 2% capital at risk per trade. It is very difficult to make back big losses on a percentage basis it is much easier to steadily grow an account by avoiding those big losses with correct position sizing.

  • Are we trying to fight a trend in the market? Has our ego and opinions over taken our ability to trade price action? We must identify the trend in our time frame and trade with it.

  • Are our stops too tight? We have to place stops at logical areas that prove we are wrong, we have to give trades room to breathe and not get knocked out too early.

  • Are we trading markets or stocks we are unfamiliar with? We need to focus our efforts on only the trading vehicles and markets we know very well.

  • Are we trying to trade outside our own time frame? Day traders can’t turn into investors in a bad trade and long term trend followers can’t suddenly start day trading. We must stick to what we know.

  • Do we need a break? There are times to just get away from the market and refresh your mind and emotions. Tired and stressed out trading is bad trading.

  • Are we trying to trade too many markets or stocks? I have always made all my profits with a condensed watch list of only a few things not trying to trade more than 3 to 5 things at any given time.

  • Have we done our homework? If we are not prepared with chart studies, back testing, trading psychology, and risk management we will lose, our trading will be bad.

If the answer is yes to all these questions it could be time for a vacation and let the market settle down or trading small to get to the other side of a draw down safely until your method starts winning again.


Trading in financial markets can be a challenging endeavor, and it’s not uncommon to face struggles along the way. If you find yourself struggling with your trading performance, it’s crucial to take a step back and reflect on your approach. Asking yourself the right questions can help you identify areas for improvement and develop a more successful trading strategy. In this article, we will explore essential questions that traders should reflect on when facing difficulties.

1. What Are My Trading Goals?

Reflecting on your trading goals is fundamental to aligning your actions with your aspirations. Are you aiming for consistent profits, long-term wealth accumulation, or simply gaining experience? Clarifying your objectives will provide a sense of direction and help you make decisions that align with your desired outcomes.

2. What Is My Trading Strategy?

Evaluate your trading strategy and assess its effectiveness. Are you following a specific approach, such as trend following, swing trading, or day trading? Does your strategy include proper risk management techniques? Analyzing your strategy will enable you to identify any flaws or areas that require adjustment.

3. How Do I Manage Risk?

Risk management is a critical aspect of trading success. Reflect on how you manage risk in your trades. Do you set appropriate stop-loss orders? Are you risking an appropriate percentage of your capital per trade? Reviewing your risk management practices can help you protect your capital and minimize potential losses.

4. How Well Do I Understand the Markets I Trade?

Understanding the markets you trade is vital for making informed decisions. Reflect on your knowledge of the specific financial instruments or assets you trade. Are you well-informed about their fundamental factors, technical analysis indicators, and market trends? Enhancing your understanding of the markets can give you a competitive edge.

5. Do I Follow a Trading Plan?

Having a well-defined trading plan is crucial for consistency and discipline. Reflect on whether you have a trading plan in place and if you consistently adhere to it. Are you following predefined entry and exit criteria? Do you track and analyze your trades to learn from both successes and failures? Implementing and sticking to a trading plan can improve your decision-making process.

6. How Well Do I Manage Emotions?

Emotional control is a significant challenge in trading. Reflect on how well you manage emotions like fear, greed, and impatience. Do you find yourself deviating from your trading plan due to emotional impulses? Developing emotional resilience and discipline is essential for consistent trading performance.

7. Do I Continuously Educate Myself?

Reflect on your commitment to ongoing education in trading. Are you continuously learning and staying updated with market developments? Do you explore new strategies, techniques, or indicators to enhance your skills? Embracing a growth mindset and investing in your trading education can lead to improved performance.

8. How Do I Handle Losing Trades?

Losing trades are an inevitable part of trading. Reflect on how you handle losing trades and setbacks. Do you analyze the reasons behind the losses objectively? Are you adjusting your strategy based on lessons learned? Cultivating resilience and learning from losses can contribute to long-term trading success.

9. Am I Patient and Disciplined?

Patience and discipline are virtues that successful traders possess. Reflect on your ability to exercise patience and stick to your trading plan. Do you find yourself chasing trades, entering impulsively, or exiting prematurely? Practicing patience and discipline can help you avoid impulsive decisions and improve your overall trading consistency.

10. Am I Seeking Support or Mentorship?

Reflect on whether you seek support or mentorship in your trading journey. Do you have access to a community of traders or experienced mentors who can provide guidance? Engaging with others in the trading community can offer valuable insights, accountability, and support during challenging times.


Reflecting on these essential questions can shed light on areas where you may need to make adjustments in your trading approach. By critically evaluating your goals, strategy, risk management, knowledge, discipline, and emotional control, you can address weaknesses and strive for improvement. Remember that trading is a continuous learning process, and adapting your approach based on self-reflection is key to long-term success.

Category: Trading Education

About Bramesh

Bramesh Bhandari has been actively trading the Indian Stock Markets since over 15+ Years. His primary strategies are his interpretations and applications of Gann And Astro Methodologies developed over the past decade.

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