The Business Side Of Online Games

By | August 8, 2016 12:59 pm

There’s more than fun to the world of online games.  Video games now rake in more profit than movies, and smart investors have started turning towards the online space as a money-maker.  Understanding the various streams of profit that are connected to online gaming is a good way to understand exactly why you should put your money where the games are.


The Subscriber Game


One of the more popular methods of generating profit from an online game is through a subscriber base.  Players pay a monthly subscription that goes towards the upkeep of the game’s server and development of new content, and they are rewarded by a more robust game.  Subscriptions often act as a buffer against piracy, as the initial barrier of entry is reduced to nothing.  Subscriptions are becoming less popular, though, as there are more monetarily appealing ways to make a profit in the online gaming world.




Gambling is an important part of online gaming.  Take, for example, the gambling games available at WinTingo casino online, which offers options for every sort of gambler, all placed together in an easily navigable and beautifully designed virtual casino.  Some games support gambling as mechanics, usually through the use of mystery boxes tied to a roulette wheel.  Other games are viewed online by third parties who bet on competitors much as they would a traditional sporting match. In either case, a great deal of money can change hands.


Online Purchases and Whales


Small purchases that take place within a game, known as micropurchases, are the current trend in online game.  The game itself may be free or be available for an incredibly low cost, but seeing everything the game has to offer requires the use of real-world money.  Some online games allow players to earn special currency over time, while others gate special currency behind purchases.  In these games, the bulk of the players won’t ever spend more than five dollars – but the big spenders, the so-called whales, may spend thousands of dollars.  Netting a whale in an online game is just as important as netting one in a casino.


The Grey Market


There are many transactions in the online gaming world that don’t take place in a strictly legal environment.  These transactions aren’t illegal, but go against the end-user licensing agreements that players sign before playing.  Transactions in in-game currency or game time are incredibly common in any healthy online game, even as the creators of the game try to crack down on them.  These transactions don’t usually present themselves as a threat to the developer’s profits, but rather as a method of hurting the overall playability of the game for the average player.


There are many ways of generating money connected to online games.  Whether through subscriptions, microtransactions or even gambling, there’s money to be made in the online space.  Always remember that money made online will come from multiple sources, so don’t limit yourself to a single stream of income.  A bit of good forward planning will help you to make more money.

Category: Daily

About Bramesh

Bramesh Bhandari has been actively trading the Indian Stock Markets since over 15+ Years. His primary strategies are his interpretations and applications of Gann And Astro Methodologies developed over the past decade.