Bajaj Auto,Rel Infra and M&M Finanace Harmonic Patten analysis

By | December 12, 2014 5:58 am

Bajaj Auto

bajaj auto

Any close above 2584 stock is heading to 2639/2673/2728 in short term.

Buy above 2570 Tgt 2590,2617 and 2639 SL 2560

Sell below 2537 Tgt 2513,2486 and 2450 SL 2550


Rel Infra

Rel Infra

Any close above 555 stock is heading to 576/589/597

Buy above 553 Tgt 560,570 and 580 SL 550

Sell below 544 Tgt 540,532 and 520 SL 547



M&M Finance

M&M Fin

Buy above 312 Tgt 315,320 and 324 SL 310

Sell below 307 Tgt 304,300 and 297 SL 310


How to trade Intraday and Positional Stocks Analysis  Click on this link


Performance sheet for Intraday and Positional is updated for November Month, Intraday Profit of 2.32 Lakh  and Positional Profit of 2.28 Lakh


  • All prices relate to the NSE Spot
  • Calls are based on the previous trading day’s price activity.
  • Intraday call is valid for the next trading session only unless otherwise mentioned.
  • Stop-loss levels are given so that there is a level below/above, which the market will tell us that the call has gone wrong. Stop-loss is an essential risk control mechanism; it should always be there.
  • Book, at least, part profits when the prices reach their targets; if you continue to hold on to positions then use trailing stops to lock in your profits.


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The post given here are My Personal views and for learning purpose, trading or investing in stocks is a high risk activity. Any action you choose to take in the markets is totally your own responsibility. I will not be liable for any, direct or indirect, consequential or incidental damages or loss arising out of the use of this information.

Category: Harmonic Patterns

About Bramesh

Bramesh Bhandari has been actively trading the Indian Stock Markets since over 15+ Years. His primary strategies are his interpretations and applications of Gann And Astro Methodologies developed over the past decade.

3 thoughts on “Bajaj Auto,Rel Infra and M&M Finanace Harmonic Patten analysis

  1. Shiva Kumar

    Thanks brother for advise and i will see to it this mistake will not repeat in future. I request you to suggest some good books/websites in derivatives for easy the same time should gain knowledge over the subject, the same skill going to implement in derivatives markets. First i learn then implement on paper trading then analysis then interpretations. Is it brother.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Shiva Kumar.

  2. Shiva Kumar

    Dear Brother, Sair Ram. I hope you remembered me last week we had a chat ouver the phone and i am regular follower of your articles on stock market.

    Now I request a small favour in terms of advise on my 750 CESE call option.
    I have taken 5 lots of 750 Call of CESE at 23 for December Series, now it is trading between Rs.2-3. At the same time i have taken 2000 shares of CESE recently bought at Rs.728 and apart from this i have 2 lots of CESE January futures taken at Rs.740 recently. On advise of broker i got and shown me a rosy picture about this stock and i had taken the above positions after that, I felt i taken decision is wrong on brokers advise, Now Mr.Bramesh Brother, please help by giving your expert advise to bail out from the 750 call of CESC which i bought at Rs.23(5 lots) if i do not make profit also no problem i wanted to protect my capital. Above i mentioned all my holding in CESC which comprises of delivery share, 750calls(CE) options and Jan futures, Now my request is that please give me some strategy to come out of this loss and i am eagerly waiting for your response. Please do the needful at the earliest with your advise.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Shiva Kumar,

    1. Bramesh Post author

      Dear Shiva,

      You are trading without risk management, actually you are not trading but gambling.

      You are working for a bank and most important thing bank stress on is risk management and this is missing from your trading.

      Learn the art of trading before dabbling your money in stock market.



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