FII FnO Data Analysis for 04 July

By | July 3, 2014 8:37 pm


  • FII’s sold 6.9 K contract of Index Future worth 266 cores, 5 K Long contract were squared off and 1.8 K short contracts were added  by FII’s. Net Open Intrest came down by 3231 contract suggesting FII are again going short at higher level but in small quantity.
  • Nifty made a fresh life high today@7754 , almost near to the EW target of 7761  as seen in below chart.  Any break below 7677 can lead to a swift fall till 7634 odd levels. Volumes are not supporting this rise. We have weekly closing tomorrow Bulls will like to protect 7700 on closing basis and bears will want to close below 7650.

Nifty Hourly EW

As seen in below chart Bear Power Indicator has started rising and any break of trendline which coincide with 7677 will be bear back in market.

nifty daily

  • Nifty Future July Open Interest Volume is at 1.43 cores with liquidation of of 1.6 lakhs in Open Interest,  suggesting long liquidation . An important point to not is 1 core of Index Futures got rollovered in range of 7616-7500 and Nifty is trading well above this zone, this price zone implies a very significant price band if we see a dip in Nifty.
  • Total Future & Option trading volume at 1.04  lakh core with total contract traded at 1.5 lakh. PCR @0.88. Looking at Volumes a volatile big range day is round the corner.
  • 8000 CE  OI at 72 lakh saw addition of 4.2 lakh so speculative buying started in 8000 CE keeping pre budget rally in mind, 7800/7900  CE saw addition of 4.5 lakh suggesting highs will not be sustained . FII’s bought 8.3 K CE longs and 14.3 K  CE were shorted by them.
  • 7500 PE OI at 43.9  lakh saw addition of 2.2 lakh so support of 7500 looks strong, 7600 PE also added 1.9 lakhs  suggesting support is rising up, 7700 PE added 2.1 lakh suggesting informed buying happening at this strike. FII’s bought 4.9  K PE longs and 5.8 K  PE were shorted by them. Looking at option data FII are planning to go in budget session fully hedged.
  • FIIs bought 950  cores in Equity and DII sold 624 cores in cash segment.INR closed at 59.7.


Buy above 7725 Tgt 7745,7766 and 7800 (Nifty Spot Levels)

Sell below 7695 Tgt 7677, 7634 and 7600 (Nifty Spot Levels)


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