Active Stock Trading:Rel Capital,Hexaware and SBIN

By | December 11, 2012 8:06 am

As a trader, keep your focus on what market is doing and not on what market should be doing. Lots of times, we miss a great opportunity because we are so caged in our thinking that we dismiss real moves.

Reliance Capital

Rel Capital being a High Beta stock was on a rise from 380 odd levels. We have give a buy call at 380 and targets were around 410 but stock surpassed all the levels and is now trading at 460 odd levels. As shown in above chart stock has hit the resistance line and unable to cross the same will see some pullback in the stock.

Sell below 455 Tgt 450,446 and 442

Buy above 460.5 Tgt 464,469 and 472



Hexaware we have covered this stock will Sell on 108 and with bad guidance from the company stock has slided down to 94 odd levels, Stock is near its crucial trendline support and break of same can see a fall till 88 odd levels as gap exists between 88-90.

Sell below 93.5 Tgt 92.5,91,90 and 88

Buy above 95.4 Tgt 96.7,98 and 99.5



SBI has been on a roll from low of 2041 stock has reached the high of 2326 and is facing resistance at its trendline and formation of 2 DOJI candlesticks. Short term Reversal will come once it starts trading below 2300.

Sell below 2316 Tgt 2300,2280 and 2267


Category: Stock Trading for Beginners

About Bramesh

Bramesh Bhandari has been actively trading the Indian Stock Markets since over 15+ Years. His primary strategies are his interpretations and applications of Gann And Astro Methodologies developed over the past decade.

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