Swing and Intraday Calls:HDFC Bank,Zee LImited and IDFC

By | August 28, 2012 8:44 am

If you jump into the river like a piece of twig, you’ll be pushed around and get washed away.
But if you jump in like a fish, you’ll be able to deal with the flow of river.
To deal with anything, you need to educate yourselftrain yourself. And if you are already a trained person in other walks of life, you get trained in the new ones quite easily.
Take your time to set your life in order and then come back to trading with preparedness


Taking support at rising trendline and break of same can lead a downmove till 50 DMA

Sell below 592 Tgt 588,584 and 578


Gap Filling done with low of 136.6, If 136.6 is not broken on a closing basis expect a bounce back till 146 again before expiry

Buy above 139.4 Tgt 141.5,143 and 145.5


Zee Limited


Symmetrical Triangle breakout/breakdown is on verge of happening

Sell below 166 Tgt 164,162 and 160

Buy above 170 Tgt 171.5,173.3 and 175.4


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