Technical Calls:IDFC and Lupin

By | August 17, 2012 9:43 am

Trading is one of the few professions where you can deal with a “faceless and no-prejudice market”. It can not be manipulated by any one or group of individuals beyond a certain measure.
You are in such a kind of profession. However, what you do day in and day out has a lot to do with who you are…and what you are..? The emotions that run through your rest of your lives will seep through your trading life too.
Do you have a habit of procrastinating…you’ll do so in your trading life too with your entries/ exits and stop losses.


Lupin will be entering into Nifty50 ,Stock gave a bounce from its 100 DMA. The fall was on good volumes but news can give much needed bounce for the stock

Buy above 568 Tgt 574,578 and 583

Sell below 566 Tgt 560,556 and 548



IDFC has shown a breakout ,resistance now lies at 143.75 expect a pullback near it.

Buy at 141.7 Tgt 142.3,143 and 143.7

Sell below 139.3 Tgt 138.2,137.5 and 136


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