Over the years, I have seen several people (including myself) lose fortunes while trading sucks, and I’ve found that invariably, it would be for the same reasons. Such reasons appear mostly psychological and occur often in the trading scene.
It is a known fact 80% of traders lose money and 20% makes profits on the expense of 80% traders going well verse with
Pareto principle
So what exactly is the reasons behind that the misery of traders losing money.
Trade without plan: Most of traders enter the market based on there intuition. They just want to trade as soon as market opens without having any knowledge of volumes, support and Resistances. They just trade coz they want to trade.
Over Leverage: Traders often try to carry too big a position with too little capital, and trade too frequently for the size of the account.
Over Trade: if suppose a trader make 10K in a day he will not stop and electrified with the winning streak bet more and end up losing all the money earned.
No Stop Loss: No trading plan means no specific risk is defined and hence Stop Loss is a BIG NO.I AM ALWAYS RIGHT ATTITUDE.
Directional Bias: Traders make up their mind that I want to be either long/short and fail to take position on what market is signaling and hence make losses.
No Discipline: Not following a disciplined trading program leads to accepting large losses and small profits. Many traders do not define offensive and defensive plans when an initial position is taken.
No Holding power: Traders take large positions at one shot and are unable to bear the shakedown which market gives in extreme cases and are forced to square off the positions.
GREED: It allows traders to lose profitable positions to move into loss while they hope for large and unrealistic targets.
No Patience: Losing Traders do not have patience for price level to come and take positions; they just want to enter as soon as they start trading.
No Money Management: Due to no trading plan, Traders have no money management plan and are wiped out of market.
No Shorting: It has been observed that most of losing traders fail to take shorts when market is falling, they thinking shorting as a taboo and always go along with long trades only.
Traders believe what please them to believe and are blindfolded by their own vision they fail to recognize warning what market is throwing at them
Bucking the trend: Market is falling let’s take a contra trader kind of attitude wipe out a trader from market.
Traders plan to buy at lows and sell at highs and get stuck with a losing position 90% of the time.
Beginner’s Luck: A novice trader will always make money in first few trades and get overconfident and does mistake which make him surrender all profits and in many cases start making losses on all trades.
Averaging a Losing trade is biggest blunder a trader can do.
Most of traders are under capitalized and trade position to large as compared to there actual trading capital.
Unable to accept small losses and turn those losses in big one which wipe out there entire trading capital.
Trading on Tips and market rumor.
Trading with emotion and heart instead of mind.
Get out of a profitable position at an early stage and holding a losing position till it gets squared off.
Failing to digest the fact that market is supreme and we are just a drop in a large swarm of people.
Getting whipsawed by volatility.
I hope reader will try to overcome the common losing mistake by going through this article and make there way with 20% of profit making traders.
I would request readers to add few points which i might have missed or happened with them in there trading career.
once again brameshji — a masterpiece article — everybody must read
— however , i am unable to see video posts — have to launched on youtube anytime ? — pls let me know and see — regards — dr vaibhav
Dear Sir,
I am still in process of Uploading videos from youtube.
very god article with modest presentation
Thanks sir.
each every point 100% right after knowing all this facts but so many people will do same mistakes trying to make as easy money from mkt
Excellent article. Not ashamed to say that I fall in the catogery of 80%. Areal eye opener.
Hi Sanjay Sir,
Learning from mistake and making them not again is the way we can surrvive and earn in market.
It’s Zero Sum game.
and like every thing it also require experience along with all those u mention as i feel and also taking help of modern technology like realtime charting. ok but the last thing is mental fitness also which is also important.lots of paper trading and in intial stage sud have done with low exposure.
Thanks Kalyan Sir for your comments and i fully agree wit you on this
dear sir
please and please post bollinger band i am not able to see the above post.
its a humble request to you.
hemant patil
Hi Hemant Sir,
Please find link of BB post
dear sir,
In fact before reading this article i have started a monologue to introspect my self
Because i have lost so much money as you have mentioned above
Now i want to add one more point though i am not competent to add you said 20% profit
but i want to add 20% loss is booked also would save 80% loss which amounts to be 20% profit
with highest regards