Technical Analysis:Canara Bank,Voltas,Polaris Software and Jubilant Food

By | October 17, 2011 8:02 am

Everybody knows the four cardinal rules of trading, but so few people follow them :-

  • Trade with the trend.
  • Cut losses short.
  • Let profits run.
  • Manage risk.

There is a big difference between knowing something and applying it. Most people don’t use what they know.


Voltas is moving out of its oversold zone,Took support at down trending trendline making its march further.

Move above 106 will confirm a breakout and it will move towards its 20DMA@111

Buy above 106 Tgt 108.2,111 and 115


Jubilant Food



Jubilant Food saw a waterfall decline than a fierce rally but unable to cross above the previous Top 925. It has formed Evening Star Formation on Daily chart.

Trendline will break up for Rs 851.

Sell below 851 Tgt 842,823

Buy above 875 Tgt 889,908 and 922

Polaris Software

Polaris has given a breakout from the trading range of 121-136, and closed above 140

Wait for pullback till 136 to enter again for positional basis. For day traders move above  142 should be used to take fresh  positions

Buy above 142 Tgt 143.25,145.1 and 148

Canara Bank

Canara Bank is going for a breakout above 464 as per the chart pattern.

Buy above 464 Tgt 469,475 and 479

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