Nifty and Tata Steel Levels for May 17

By | May 17, 2011 3:00 am

Tata Steel

Tata Steel is at a crucial juncture @574,Level which has given support to Tata Steel 4 times on daily chart as can be seen in below chart.

Stock is trading below its 5 EMA Low@583  which should be watched closely if Tata Steel again bounce back from 574 levels.

Indicators are showing oversold charts but Indicators can remain overbought and oversold for extended period of time.

Sell below 574 TGt 571,565.8 and 555.2

Buy above 583 TGt 588 and 594



Nifty Hourly charts is at a crucial juncture.In May series for past few trading sessions nifty is trading in range of 5440-5600 which is a range which needs to be broken for breakdown or breakup.

As shown on Hourly charts 5471(Nifty Spot) is an important level to watch.

Breakdown will occur on a close below 5440 and than we will show some quick moves in Nifty 5407.


On Daily charts Nifty was unable to retrace 38.2% fall of 9 day fall which shown how much selling pressure we are getting on upper levels.

Sell Below 5487 Tgt 5471 5455,5423 and 5390

Buy above 5510 Tgt 5542 and 5563


All Mentioned all Spot Levels

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Category: Daily

About Bramesh

Bramesh Bhandari has been actively trading the Indian Stock Markets since over 15+ Years. His primary strategies are his interpretations and applications of Gann And Astro Methodologies developed over the past decade.

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