Technical Charts:Sterlite,Educomp,AB Nuvo and Adani Power

By | October 7, 2010 7:50 pm


Flag and Pole pattern formation on Adani daily charts and support at 100 DMA as metioned in charts.Stock is facing resistance at 138 levels and support at 133 levels.Volumes are on larger side from past 2 days and looks like stock will be revisiting the lower trendline before showing an upmove.

Buy above 138.6 Tgt 140.6,143 and 147

Sell below 133 Tgt 129 and 126


AB Nuvo is trading in parrell trendline channel  as shown in charts with formation of higher highs and higher lows.

Stock is in a bullish channel and a but above channel high of 904 and if unable to break can drift down to lower end making another higher low

Buy above 904  tgt 924 and 940

Sell below 859 Tgt 842 and 819


Educomp has been on a bull run from a low of Rs 550 to high of 638.Now stock is poised crucially around its 200 DMA.Stock is in a decisive pattern on a Daily chart as has formed 2 Doji’s in past 2 trading sessions.

Buy above 645 Tgt 658  and 666


Sterlite is forming an ascending triangle and a Double top both of which converge around 179-180 range.

Buy above 180 Tgt 185 and 190

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