The cheetah, while the fastest animal on the African plain and can outrun any of the prey it feasts upon, always chooses to go for the young, weak, or sick. Once identified, he attacks with laser-guided focus and effectiveness. It is only then that the kill is most likely. That is the epitome of a professional trader
Tata Steel
Tata Steel Bounced for the gap area 351-360. Stock is unable to cross its downward slopping trendline.
Buy above 376 Tgt 380,384 and 388
Sell below 370 Tgt 365,361 and 357
Rcom is always in news but this times its different. Its is news for all the right reasons Buzz of stake sales to AT&T is doing rounds with deal at 95-110.
Stock is near a crucial resistance of 200 DMA, expect a pullback back to 61 and than a rally
Sell between 69-70 Tgt 66,64 and 61
Larsen and Tubro
Triangle formation in LT.
Buy above 1621 Tgt 1630,1643 and 1660
Sell below 1604 Tgt 1595,1588 and 1578
All Levels mentioned are Spot levels. Trade with a Sl of 0.5-1% as per your risk profile. Trade as and when level comes. DO’nt chase the trade